Reference photos – If you are interested in commissioning me to draw for you, here are some useful tips regarding reference photographs:
- Take your photo from a similar height as your subject’s eyes. This might mean sitting or even lying down, but the end result will be a much more engaging picture.
- Take your picture in an environment that has plenty of light. The ideal conditions would be outdoors on an overcast day. This will give an even coverage of light, avoiding overly strong shadows.
- Make sure your subject is properly focused. It should be possible to see every hair and the reflections in the eyes.
- Be careful not to completely over-expose bright areas of your photo or to under-expose the darker areas. Either will result in loss of detail in these areas.
- Send the highest resolution photos possible. Camera phones are fine, especially if the subject is well lit, but take the photo at the highest quality setting you can.
Pricing – I don’t currently publish my prices purely because no two pieces are the same. The price will depend on the complexity of the work and the size of the finished piece. Each drawing takes many, many hours to produce. I don’t charge an hourly rate and always do my very best to make my pictures affordable. Feel free to get in touch to discuss options.
Deadlines – If your commissioned drawing is intended as a gift for an event (birthday, etc), please ensure you give plenty of time for the work to be completed in time. Sometimes it will be possible for me to begin work straight away, but at other times I may have a small waiting list.
What next? – Contact me!