In progress – Dougie & Tia (commission)Progress continues on Dougie and Tia. Dougie is nearly finished and Tia is coming on quite nicely so far. The drawing is being made with pastel pencils on Clairefontaine Pastelmat.Previous PostDavid Attenborough (re-post)I'm posting this portrait of David Attenborough again only because I've finally taken the time to take a decent photograph of the final drawing. The drawing hasn't changed since the last post, but the contrast and clarity should look a lot better now and more representative of the drawing. I'mNext PostDougie & Tia complete (commission)Work on Tia (left) and Dougie (right) has finished and the end result is now signed, mounted and framed, ready to hand over to the dogs' owners. They've already seen these pictures and I'm relieved to say that they're very happy with the result. I'm grateful to them for entrusting me to do a